$5M – $10M
The client was considering the acquisition of a similar-sized company which provided services in an adjacent vertical.
GUILD performed:
1. due diligence of the business, including the identification of potential synergies,
2. weekly meeting facilitation with the potential Seller,
3. financial valuation (using different methods),
4. financials reports for seeking a bank loan, and
5. drafting the purchase agreement
Subject to a potential close, GUILD was further contracted to be the integration manager
After a month of discussions, Client made an offer to purchase the business, but the offer was not accepted. Based on several considerations, Client and Seller agreed against revising the offer and revisiting the opportunity at a later time provided the Seller strengthens specific areas of the business to reduce the risk in the transition of ownership.
We have anonymized some information to retain clients’ confidentiality. The results are real and we will be happy to talk to you about our past work. Email us at [email protected] or call (808) 729-5850.